How to Stop a German Shepherd Puppy from Biting Quickly

In most cases, German Shepherd puppies stop biting after their teething. Usually the teeth change to an adult bite by 6-8 months of age. But the puppy will not stop biting if the problem is not dealt with. So, how to stop a German Shepherd puppy from biting?

Let’s find out why it happens and what to do to prevent biting from becoming a bad habit.

eye contact

Teething German Shepherd Puppies

Puppies have their first teeth some time after birth, but their jaw muscles are still weak at this takes time. This allows puppies to play time safely with their siblings, gradually learning how to control the bite.

You may have observed this process when one puppy bites the other, and if the bite proves too strong, the other puppy shrieks. As puppies interact with their family, they learn how hard they can clench their jaws. And this learning happens even before puppies have adult teeth and strong jaw muscles.

The next time the age of chewing and biting comes with the change of teeth to adults. Chewing eases the process by helping with the pain. In German Shepherd puppies, teething begins at 3.5-4.0 and ends by 6-8 months of age.

How to help your GSD puppy with teething

will german shepherd attack small dogs

Until that time, the baby should have a sufficient number of chew toy, he will gnaw them, scratch his gums, otherwise the owner’s shoes and furniture will be spoiled.

As a rule, pets grab their owners by the arms and legs. To get rid of this habit, you can use popular methods:

  • buy enough toys, change to new ones during;
  • ignore negative bad behavior;
  • treat furniture with special aerosols.

It is more difficult to wean an adult German Shepherd puppy, you need to do this at an early age.

If the German Shepherd puppy has snapped, it is recommended to give the toy in the mouth (to distract attention to another object).

What to do if your GSD pup bites at play

stop german shepherd puppy aggressive biting

When a German Shepherd puppy starts biting, growling and scratching painfully while playing, you should stop the fun: say “ah”, freeze for a few seconds. Fold your arms over your chest and turn your head to the side. The game continues when the kid realizes what he did wrong. Re-education should take place gradually: first of all, they stop playing for strong bites, then for medium ones.

It will not be possible to completely get rid of this phenomenon. The German Shepherd touch should be comfortable, not cause painful sensations. The game is a reward for good behavior.

When the German Shepherd puppy cannot calm down, it is necessary to get up and leave. If he runs after the owner and continues to bite, he is locked in the next room or put on a leash until he calms down.

Avoid games in which the German Shepherd puppy can grab small children.

How to help your GDS puppy with teething

Don’t do these things if your puppy bites

You can not use physical methods of punishment, you can slap a newspaper lightly. It is better to teach cautionary commands (the command “It is impossible!”, “Fu!”). German Shepherd are smart animals, they understand where they made a mistake and will try not to do it in the future so as not to upset the owner.

Often babies bite because they are afraid. In this case, you need to sit down next to him to stroke, calm down, talk to him. In the same way, the pet attracts attention to itself. Play with him, try to spend more time, include active games on a walk.

You can teach other dogs to bite with praise: if your pet calmly walked past a German Shepherd puppy or cat, praise him and give him a treat.

If he rushes at animals and people, it is necessary to walk only on a leash.

It is quite simple to wean jumping and biting. A small German Shepherd is simply ignored: when he starts jumping, you need to turn away. When the baby calms down, sit down and stroke him (express approval of his act).

How to Punish Your German Shepherd Pup?

german shepherd stop biting f

If the puppy does not obey the owner, he is properly punished. When a baby is brought into the house, he is given a place to sleep and rest. If German Shepherd stop puppy biting, send him to “serve his sentence” in a sleeping place.

To show your strong character, take him by the withers and press him to the ground. Another option: grab the muzzle with your hand and do not let go for a few seconds.

If the finger is in the mouth of the German Shepherd, it is necessary to carefully open the jaw, remove the finger, close the teeth and strictly say “no!”.

You cannot physically punish a German Shepherd: he may see this as a challenge and continue aggression. It is especially dangerous to beat German Shepherd of small breeds: it is difficult to calculate the force of the blow, it is possible to harm the animal. It is not necessary to spray various repellent sprays into the muzzle, this will spoil vision and sense of smell.

Disciplining your puppy

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When getting a German Shepherd, you need to take preventive measures so that it does not bite and knows its place.

  • Your puppy should not be allowed to sleep in your bed, there is a designated place.
  • The German Shepherd must walk behind the owner (leave the house and go back, go down the stairs).
  • The owner and the pet must eat at different times.
  • During upbringing and training, demand that all commands be executed.

Thus, you need to raise a German Shepherd puppy. She must obey the owner, so as not to harm an outsider (especially you should not allow biting a child). The health and safety of people is in the hands of the owners, he is responsible for walking with puppy without a muzzle and leash.

Early Socialization

german shepherd puppy bite inhibition games

To wean a German Shepherd biting a cat, early socialization is needed, this is the basis of education and training. The kid should be a full-fledged member of society.

Adult German Shepherd are punished at the moment of the jump: they say “Phew!” and slightly push him away (two or three times is enough). If your German Shepherd jumps on strangers and tries to bite people, you need to say the command “Fu!” and pull the leash in your direction. Next, the command “Sit” or “Next” is given.

It is not uncommon to see a small German Shepherd gnawing its tail. There are several reasons for this behavior:

  • the presence of sticky plants, parasites on the tail;
  • itching;
  • damage;
  • stress, boredom.

To wean a German Shepherd puppy biting its tail, the owner must examine the pet, find out the cause and eliminate it (cure, give a toy).

How to Deal with a Puppy That Bites

It is a well-known fact that the mother of German Shepherd puppies bite force and shakes them a little. In this case, the puppies calm down and behave as carefully as possible. Many German Shepherd owners believe that this method is effective, so physical punishment is allowed.

This cannot be done, because the small German Shepherd may perceive it as a provocation, a source of aggression and continue GSD bite with renewed vigor. A person may not calculate the force and hit too hard, injuring the small German Shepherd. It is better to devote more time and attention to a pet.

Chew toys for dogs

How to wean a 6-month-old puppy to tear his mouth?

Exercise without biting

  • Attract the attention of your puppy.
  • Swipe your hand towards his muzzle, but not close to him.
  • If he brings his mouth closer to your hand, remove your hand and try again, increasing the distance between you.

If he doesn’t pay attention to your hand, say YES and treat him (put him on the floor).

How long does it take to teach a small German Shepherd not to bite?

Keep in mind that even if you do everything right, this behavior may not disappear completely until 5-6 months of age. Remember that this is a normal period of development of small German Shepherd.

How do I get my 4-month-old puppy to stop biting?

Tips on how to stop biting a small German Shepherd.

  • Make the small German Shepherd think that he is hurting you when he bites by making a puppy squeal!
  • Redirect your small German Shepherds bite by slowly removing your hand from his mouth and replacing it with one of his dog chew toys.
  • Give the small German Shepherd a command.
  • Train your puppy’s mind and body.
  • Try using bitter apple spray.

Assistance of a Dog Handler

If it was not possible to correct the behavior yourself before 6 months, eye contact a German Shepherd handler. Both individual and group classes are useful. Among them:

regular classes: a German Shepherd handler will choose the right methodology, correct mistakes in education, correct actions;

general training course (OKD): it will help to develop obedience, acquire normal communication skills of a German Shepherd with other animals and people, master basic commands;

the course of protective guard service (ZKS): suitable for juniors older than 8 months of service and guard other breeds, German Shepherds will be taught to direct aggression in the right direction, they will be taught to bite for no reason and will show that teeth need to be used only at the command of the owner.

Anyway, you’re not alone with the problem. As German Shepherd Man Official Channel says the number one question many people have is the biting:

Typical Errors

Weaning the German Shepherd to bite, act consistently, calmly and do not get annoyed. If the puppy does not understand something, it means that you have explained it badly or made a mistake.

It is strictly forbidden:

  • shout;
  • to babble with kutenk, dissuading him not to bite his legs or hands;
  • beat with your hands or ammunition: a leash, a muzzle;
  • show fear;
  • deprive of basic needs for bites: food, walking, etc.;

independently train a small German Shepherds for protection and protection — without the help of a dog handler, you will develop aggression, which one day the German Shepherd pups can direct at you or family members.

Tune in for a long job. It will take from several weeks to a couple of months to wean the puppy from biting. Plus, he’ll go back to his old antics when puberty begins. And some breeds test the owner for strength all their lives. But if you do everything right, you will get an obedient puppy without a hint of anger and fear.

Why an Adult Dog Can Bite

The bite force of an adult German Shepherd is considered to be 238 PSI (pounds per square inch). And because of its long jaws and strong muscles, the bite of a German Shepherd can be rather dangerous.

The American Veterinary Medical Association states there are nearly 85 million dogs living in U.S. households. About 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year, most of them children.

Insurance Information Institute

Natural instinct makes an adult dog show aggression to protect itself, its owner, protected territory, property, etc. The problem can be eliminated by identifying the cause and selecting the right tactics.

Game for dog

Aggressive German Shepherd explore the objects around them throughout their lives. They also love playing with people. The dog with young age bites the owner’s hands, grabs his clothes, legs – with the help of his mouth and teeth inviting him to play.

Such behavior causes emotion when a puppy is no more than 2 months old, and an adult animal can cause serious injury with its teeth. It is necessary to teach the German Shepherds bite not control force at an early age. In the game, you should behave carefully, demonstrating the sensitivity of your own skin to the GSD puppy. Alternatively, try a chew toy. Chew toy will reduce the level of aggression of the GSD puppy and switch attention

Attracting attention for dog

An adult GSD puppy, realizing that the owner does not pay attention to her at every whine, is able to bite his hands and feet. It is impossible to comfort the animal, every bark and bite should be punished with the command “Fu!”, since the many puppies must wean himself from the bad habit. When a pet realizes that this way of attracting attention does not work, he will stop doing it.

Dogs also sometimes use barking to get attention. This, again, is a bad habit that must be dealt with from puppyhood onward. Take a look here at How to Stop German Shepherd Barking: Detailed Answers to Frequent Questions.

Protection of itself, property or owner

Many people choose service or fighting breeds to protect their home and the people living in it. But security qualities have a downside. So, an adult young puppy thinks that it is possible to protect property only by attacking. Property can be understood as favorite toys, a bowl of food, an aviary, and even a loved one. For this reason, all family members are at risk.

Regular training sessions with a professional dog handler, who will correct the correct behavior of an adult dog in one case or another, will help to avoid an unpleasant situation. With a large dog of a guard or fighting breed, it is recommended to take OKD and ZKS courses. An adult german shepherd bites for protection.

Manifestation of aggression

Even the kindest and most patient four-legged friend can not stand when he is improperly kept, brought up and trained, unnecessarily encouraged or punished, pushed, shoved, pinched and constantly squeezed by children, provoked by being near other animals. Sooner or later, the young puppies will get tired of disrespectful attitude, and it will bite. To prevent the aggression of an adult dog is simple:

  • learn to understand a dog;
  • spend as much time as possible on training and socialization;
  • respect the dog, teach children to treat it carefully and with love.

You can only partially re-educate an adult GSD pup. Psychological foundations are laid in the animal for up to a year. During the first 12 months of life, you should make every effort to become an authority in the eyes of a small aggressive dogs.

Its predictable behavior and peaceful stay in the family depends on how quickly you can wean the dog from biting hands and feet. You should not refuse the help of a dog handler: he will choose an effective training tactic for a particular breed, will tell you the correct course of action.

How Can I Encourage a Dog?

The treat should please the dog, because this is the only way she will be interested in achieving a result. Other requirements include:

Safety. Goodies should not harm the dog’s health.

Ease of use. A yummy that gets your hands or clothes dirty, crumbles, is unlikely to be the best choice.

Small size. The pieces should be small so that the pet can swallow them without being distracted by chewing. At the same time, it is important that the treat is the same size at each lesson.

More generally, our findings support the use of social praise as a reward in dog training. For most dogs, social reinforcement is at least as effective as food—and probably healthier too.

Awake canine fMRI predicts dogs’ preference for praise vs food
Ready-made treats for dogs

When it is difficult to decide which treat to choose for a dog, it is important to take into account the dog’s food preferences, as well as pay attention to the composition of the products. The yummy should be such that it can be easily taken with you for a walk.

As a treat, it is recommended to use products that are not in the usual menu of the dog. Treats should not provoke thirst. Otherwise, the pet will not be able to fully concentrate on the lessons.

Natural meat ingredients are used to make ready-made sweets. The basis is chicken, duck, venison, beef, tripe, etc. There are special treats for puppies and adults. The products differ in format, shape, structure and composition.

Advantages of ready-made treats

  • the same size and calorie content of the pieces;
  • variety of formats and taste options;
  • the ability to choose an option corresponding to the breed.

Both homemade and ready-made treats are additional nutrition. Therefore, it is important to take into account the energy value of the daily diet, taking into account the treats. In some cases, it is worth reducing the size of the main portion, so as not to accidentally overfeed your beloved dog.

Selection features

To determine which treat is best for your dog, take into account the characteristics of the breed, as well as the weight and size of the pet. For large and medium-sized breeds, it is worth choosing treats of large sizes with high energy value. Dogs of small breeds are suitable treats of small size, made taking into account the structure of their jaws.

It is better to choose specialized products for puppies. As a rule, manufacturers indicate the recommended age of the pet.

When choosing a treat, take a closer look at which product the dog likes the most. At the same time, it is worth giving up smoked meats, fried and too fatty foods. Before buying, familiarize yourself with the composition, make sure that there are no components in it that can cause allergies.

Before giving an animal a treat, consult a veterinarian. A specialist will tell you which product will suit your four-legged pet. This is especially important if the dog has sensitive digestion, a tendency to allergies, intolerance to any products.

At what age do German Shepherd puppies stop biting?

In most cases, puppies bite inhibition when their teeth are cut at about 8 months. Until that time, the baby should have a sufficient number of toys, he will gnaw them, scratch his gums, otherwise the owner’s shoes and furniture will be spoiled. As a rule, pets grab their owners by the arms and legs.

Why does my German Shepherd puppy keep biting me?

The most obvious reason a German Shepherd bites easily is an invitation to play. Also, puppies, like young children, explore the world through biting. If your pet is older, biting may be a request for attention, a defensive reaction, or a display of instinct. Don’t forget that for hundreds of years, light biting of sheep has been a way to control the flock.

How do you discipline a puppy who is biting?

To discipline a puppy who bites, here’s what you need to do: 1) always react to bites, even the lightest ones; 2) yell in response to the bite, imitating the cry of a small puppy; 3) stop playing; 4) ignore the puppy for about a minute; 5) leave the puppy alone for a few minutes.

How do you discipline a German Shepherd puppy?

To discipline a biting German Shepherd, be consistent. Always have a chew toy at the ready. Always switch your puppy’s attention from your hands to the toy. If you get even the smallest bite, always show that it hurts. Always interrupt play for a few minutes as a punishment.

How do you discipline a German Shepherd for biting?

Don’t move your hand too fast when presenting it as a target. Doing so may increase arousal and make your hands look like a toy again, which is not what you want; especially in the initial stages of training. Hand targeting helps reduce and eventually stop German Shepherd nipping dog nips.

What command stops a puppy from biting?

Teaching your puppy a command like “leave it” can be useful and prevents him from mouthing or eating items that are inappropriate. When first teaching this command, do it outside of a play time session.

How do I get my 1 year old German Shepherd to stop biting?

Teach your dog the “leave it” command: This command can be used to get your dog to stop biting or grabbing. Start by holding a treat in your hand and saying “leave it.” When your dog stops trying to get the treat, reward them with a different treat. Repeat this until your dog consistently responds to the command.

Should I scold my puppy for biting me?

Biting and mouthing is not aggressive behavior. Instead, they are simply learning how to deal with the growth of its new teeth while acquainting itself with the world around it. In fact, physically punishing your dog often creates aggression and fear in it.


Dog bites are a way of expressing a dog’s desires, thoughts and emotions, but dog bites are also an indicator of aggression. Biting is considered a relative norm, since at the puppy age the gs pup does not understand how to express its needs in a different way. But stop biting becomes a problem over time.

Puppies tend stop biting after 8 months. Puppies have a soft mouth, so GSD bites is almost harmless. But it’s still better to start with 6-7 months to learn bite inhibition. If many remedies do not help, try baby gate for animals.

Malena Parker

I run this blog and I want to share with you useful information about the life, health, and care of a German Shepherd

4 thoughts on “How to Stop a German Shepherd Puppy from Biting Quickly”

    • HI, Nik .
      Disciplining a German Shepherd puppy for biting requires a gentle yet firm approach. It is important to understand that biting is a natural behavior for puppies, as they explore the world and learn boundaries through their mouths. The first step in disciplining a German Shepherd puppy for biting is to provide proper chew toys and redirect their attention to those toys whenever they start to nip or bite. It is also crucial to avoid any physical punishment as it may worsen the behavior and damage the trust between the puppy and its owner. Instead, a stern “no” or “ah-ah” sound accompanied by immediately withdrawing attention can help communicate that biting is unacceptable. Consistency is key in reinforcing this message, along with providing positive reinforcement and rewarding the puppy when they choose to chew on appropriate items. It is also recommended to enroll the puppy in obedience training classes where they can learn appropriate behavior through positive reinforcement techniques.

    • Hi, Nik
      Getting a puppy to stop biting can be challenging, but with consistent training and patience, it is possible to curb this behavior. Firstly, it is important to understand that puppies bite as a way of exploring their surroundings and teething. To redirect their biting behavior, provide them with appropriate chew toys and redirect their attention when they bite by saying “no” firmly and offering them a toy to chew on instead. Consistency is key, so make sure to reward and praise them when they chew on their toys instead of biting you. Additionally, engaging your puppy in regular exercise and playtime can help release excess energy, reducing the likelihood of biting. If the biting persists or becomes aggressive, it may be beneficial to seek guidance from a professional dog trainer.

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